EZ-Flush Descaler Kit and Why You Need One!
Updated over a week ago

Video Credit: Eccotemp Systems, LLC, Mar 17, 2017

The EZ-FLUSH System Descaler Kit โ€“ your all-in-one solution for efficiently cleaning a wide range of water-based equipment, including virtually all tankless water heaters. This compact yet robust kit is your trusted ally in tackling water scale, lime, or rust buildup.

The EZ-Flush Kit's compact design ensures easy handling and convenient storage, making it a versatile tool compatible with most water-based equipment. But what truly sets it apart is the included Eccotemp Descaler Solution, a potent formula specifically engineered to dissolve even the most stubborn deposits. What makes this kit exceptional is its commitment to safety and environmental responsibility. The descaler solution is non-toxic and NSF/ANSI 60 certified, making it suitable for use in potable water systems.


Regular descaling, recommended every 6 months, is the cornerstone of maintaining your tankless water heater's peak performance as over time, the build up of water scale, lime, and rust can cause codes or a malfunction in your tankless water heater. Using the EZ-Kit as recommended eliminates these threats, and maximizes the life span of your tankless water heater.

By choosing our EZ-Kit, you're not just performing routine maintenance; you're investing in the longevity and reliability of your heating system. Prevent blockages, parts malfunction, and ensure a consistent, trouble-free supply of hot water for years to come. Don't wait for issues to disrupt your comfort โ€“ take proactive steps to safeguard your investment with our EZ-FLUSH System Descaler Kit.

To purchase, click the hyperlinks below:
US: Eccotemp EZ-Flush System Descaler Kit
Canada: Eccotemp EZ-Flush System Descaler Kit

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