Connecting to Voice Commands with the ESH
Updated over a week ago

Google Home

Tap the plus symbol in the top left corner of Google Home and select "Set Up Device" at the top. Once selected, tap the second option available named "Have Something Already Set Up?"


Search the list of smart home apps for "Eccotemp". Log in with your Eccotemp account and hit "link now". Hit the authorize button to complete linking your account. The ESH will now be ready to use voice commands and be added to the "devices" section of the Google Home app.


Amazon Alexa

Swipe right in the Amazon Alexa app and select "Skills & Games" in the middle of the list.


Search the list of smart home apps for "Eccotemp" and tap "Enable to Use". Log in with your Eccotemp account and select "link". Hit the authorize button to complete linking your account. The ESH will now be ready to use voice commands and be added to the "devices" section of the Amazon Alexa app.

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